Thursday, 21 March 2019

Lesson 1: Introduction to the unit TAEDES401

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to conceptualise, design, develop and review learning programs to meet an identified need for a group of learners. The unit addresses the skills and knowledge needed to identify the parameters of a learning program, determine its design, outline the content, and review its effectiveness.

While this unit focuses on the VET sector, as do all TAE units, we will also consider the types of learning programs that libraries might run.

Here is an example from Casey Cardinia Libraries (CCL)

Class Activity 1

Have you attended a learning program at your local library? - share details with the class

Class Activity 2

Find 2 different learning programs that libraries are currently running, advertising, or have recently run.


  • The name of the library
  • The location of the event
  • Name of the event
  • Target audience

Share the details with the class.

Class Activity 3 - Group Activity

You have just been appointed to manage programs at Mysty River Regional Library Service. Your branch manager wants you to develop some new learning programs for members.

In your group, discuss some possible learning programs that you could introduce. Include:
  • the title you would give each program, 
  • the demographic or target audience
  • the learning outcomes - i.e. what will attendees know at the end of the program.

What is VET and how does it work?

Below are a number of links to information about the Australian VET Sector

Detailed Information about the VET sector

Other VET Resources

Skills Service Organisations (SSOs)

Purchasing Guides

Training packages


What does VET stand for?

What is the VET quality framework?

What is a VET student loan? How is it paid back?

What is a training package? How are they developed? How do training packages get updated?

What is ASQA?

How can you find out about accredited courses? Who can deliver an accredited course?

What is an RTO?

Can anyone start up an RTO?

What is a Skills Council/Skills Service Organisation? Which one takes care of library courses?

Why do think we have accredited courses? Is there a benefit?

What are the packaging rules for the Diploma of Library and Information Services?

Where or how do you find out the number of hours a unit of competency should take? Or maximum  hours for an accredited course?

Assessment 1

You are now ready to complete Assessment 1 - Understanding the VET sector.

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